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[Discussion] Initial TUS


签到天数: 96 天


发表于 2018-3-16 10:58:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

       For the continuous furnace, if want to improve the highest speed, is initial TUS needed?

      No other changes for the furnace.



参与人数 1热处理币 +8 收起 理由
cjzhou + 8 感谢参与!


签到天数: 1567 天


发表于 2018-3-17 16:17:54 | 显示全部楼层
Dear Lucysun
If you use Plane method,change highest speed should need initial.
Or Volumetric method,you not.
See AMS2750E 3.5.14


参与人数 1热处理币 +18 收起 理由
cjzhou + 18 感谢参与!


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签到天数: 166 天


发表于 2018-7-14 15:27:53 | 显示全部楼层
I think you should do the TUS test.
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签到天数: 24 天


发表于 2018-10-17 14:44:47 | 显示全部楼层
I don't think AMS2750E 3.5.14 is useful for his question.

For my opinion, initial TUS is needed for this case.
Because your furnace is continuous, the speed is important factor for the uniformity of air temperature and material temperature.

According to the specification as reference,
1. AMS2750 3.5.8  During TUS, all paramaters shall reflect the normal operation of the equipment in production. But now you speed up it, and the initial TUS paramater is different from now.
2. AMS2750 Continuous furnace throughput shall be that normally used for processing. But now you speed up it, and the initial TUS paramater is different from now.                        
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