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Heat Treatment 今日: 0|主题: 418|排名: 16 

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本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 [Translation] Tempered Sorbite 回火索氏体 attachment  ...23 wscn512 2008-12-17 5590184 way004 2018-8-30 13:37
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 [Share] english website of material and heat treatment  ...23 tong 2009-5-28 4484923 强者无敌 2018-3-15 21:36
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 [Help] who have material science (english edition)? attachment digest  ...2345 mvp 2009-7-4 84123882 shihuan211152 2017-12-22 15:00
预览 [活动] 有没有英语专业视频教材 崔孟国 2024-8-16 31956 wangzeshi 4 天前
预览 [Help] 懂英语的朋友帮忙翻译下技术要求 秋天的风 2016-1-26 1215982 dhgluck 2024-8-3 16:41
预览 [Help] ferroquech agree sgxing 2024-1-3 610908 coplandw 2024-4-29 09:06
预览 [Translation] 图纸翻译 agree cailiao1053106 2016-3-30 1319768 wangzeshi 2024-3-20 11:19
预览 [Help] Troostite 托氏体和屈氏体 沧海一啸 2008-8-2 1217603 zhenzhen_214 2024-3-5 21:55
预览 [Help] 帮忙翻译下技术要求 xuqws 2016-2-18 314755 zhenzhen_214 2024-3-5 21:54
预览 [Translation] hardness filitation diagram 七奌半 2020-7-11 430499 zhenzhen_214 2024-3-5 21:52
预览 [公告] induction heating finite element anilysis forgetdream 2009-10-19 326577 zhenzhen_214 2024-3-5 21:52
预览 [Share] ASM Book About gas carburizing of steel attachment agree Steven 2009-10-30 1018838 zhenzhen_214 2024-3-5 21:51
预览 [Help] How to translate "带状组织" in English? yezi0622 2012-5-5 1419832 zhenzhen_214 2024-3-5 21:49
预览 [Share] Introduction to aluminum alloys and tempers 新人帖 attach_img agree dengst 2023-11-19 18770 zhenzhen_214 2024-3-5 21:49
预览 [Help] 关于奥氏体的翻译 agree aifeisky 2016-3-10 1932220 zhenzhen_214 2024-3-5 21:48
预览 [Help] 求助翻译quenched and tempered agree ZWS-2006 2014-10-23 1526449 wangzeshi 2024-2-29 22:02
预览 [Help] black finishing, what's meaning? attach_img 我心飞翔eric 2013-3-18 625807 michaelliu09 2023-10-29 08:17
预览 [Help] carbide solution treated jljjljsy 2010-1-13 837211 金丝猫咪咪 2023-9-18 18:42
预览 [Help] 块状铁素体对应的专业英语词汇是? attach_img 我心飞翔eric 2013-4-25 1721090 金丝猫咪咪 2023-9-18 18:30
预览 [Share] STAINLESS-stainless steels and their properties attachment agree watereast 2010-3-16 1140137 起个名字 2023-6-29 09:46
预览 [Help] retort gas nitriding agree 低调的温度 2023-3-22 726196 shihuan211152 2023-4-21 16:18
预览 [Help] retort furnace Steven 2007-7-30 1127553 huahuahuang 2022-12-19 21:02
预览 [Help] How to select the SAT temperature magicmotor 2018-6-7 428789 huahuahuang 2022-12-19 20:59
预览 [Help] sustenite中文是什么意思 agree lxh510125 2022-1-6 827264 低调的温度 2022-12-7 07:58
预览 [Help] 求助英文好了朋友,这几段话怎么翻译,网上翻译的纯粹搞不懂 agree gongxin 2014-7-31 928218 低调的温度 2022-8-16 10:53
预览 [Help] Heat up factor for Alluminum alloy solution heat treatment in Continuous furnace agree LucySun 2018-4-26 1436139 hackyue 2022-8-13 12:50
预览 [Help] AMS 2750F what is Analog instrument? attach_img 不似天才 2021-3-8 256706 hoopoe 2022-8-13 12:50
预览 [Share] What Is the Best Method for Preheating 4130? attachment nianqing73 2022-3-21 023364 nianqing73 2022-3-21 19:12
预览 [Share] The dictionary of science and technology attachment liliujianxia 2012-1-16 1132546 koocshuai 2022-3-1 08:40
预览 [Discussion] is there any time limit requirements in the applicatble specification? LucySun 2021-4-14 127355 hoopoe 2022-1-23 16:50
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